Let us consider an economy with 2 firms, who stay in the market for 2 periods
At , they both yield the same cash flow Y
At , 2 firms have different capital structure
Proof. First, it cannot be that . Suppose , then, at , an inverstor could do as follows.
Then at , the investor could receive:
For any Y, i.e, an arbitrage opportunity exists. Violate principle of no-arbitrage, then we must have .
Second, it cannot be true that . Suppse , then at , an investor could do as follows.
Then at , the investor could receive:
For any Y, i.e.,an arbitrage opportunity exists. Violate principle of no-arbitrage, then we must have
Then we have .
Let us consider an economy (security market) defined as follows:
A signle perishable good is consumed in a 2 periods would: , price is normalized to 1.
Uncertainly in is defined by a finite state space:
K agents: each has
Security market
We assume that all allocations are determined in a security market. A security market is composed of a set of securities. A security is claim that yields a future payoff: . We define as a payoff space, i.e., the possible payoff from future. Then a security is a payoff:
We assume there are N securities traded in the market. Let a (column) vetor
be the payoff of security n. in the example, we have and for the equity, we have . The we have a payoff matrix:
which defines the market structure.
Portfolio describes a collection of securities. We let be the portfolio, where is the volumne of security n hold by the agent k. We use to denote the intial security n hold by agent k. Then we call as market portfolio for , which is the total supply of security in the market.
Transaction process
We let be the vector of prices for the traded securities. Price is normalized on the price of the only physical good in the economy. Let
be agent k's demand on security given price S. If the market is clean, then we have
i.e., demand = supply. The market clean price can be determined through above condition.
Perfect/Frictionless Market
Market Equilibrium in Security Market
An equilibrium in a security market consists of a vector of security price , a portfolio allocation , and a consumption plan , such that:
Agent optimization [on the volume choice of securities, i.e., portfolio]
[Every agent choose the volume of security which can give him the highest payoff]
We assume agents always solve the following problem:
The solution to above optimization problem gives agent k's demand for the security as a function of price and endowment, i.e., , where .
Market cleaning
[Given a security, demand = supply, i.e., no more transaction would take place]
Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium
Theorem 1 If each agent's
then there exists a equilibrium in security market.
Asset pricing
Let the price vector , and payoff matrix be . Asset pricing is a mapping from to , i.e., .
An arbitrage opportunity exits if there is a portfolio , such that
i.e., we have the following 3 arbitrage: