

Let us consider an economy with 2 firms, who stay in the market for 2 periods

Proposition 1, MM1:

Proof. First, it cannot be that . Suppose , then, at , an inverstor could do as follows.

  1. Short sell of firm 2's share for ;
  2. Use above income to buy of firm 1's debt and equity as

Then at , the investor could receive:

For any Y, i.e, an arbitrage opportunity exists. Violate principle of no-arbitrage, then we must have .

Second, it cannot be true that . Suppse , then at , an investor could do as follows.

  1. Short sell of firm 1's share for ;
  2. Sell/bollow
  3. Use above income to buy of firm 2's equity as

Then at , the investor could receive:

For any Y, i.e.,an arbitrage opportunity exists. Violate principle of no-arbitrage, then we must have

Then we have .


Market Equilibrium in Capital Market

Let us consider an economy (security market) defined as follows: